for python 2.x
[root@master test]# /usr/local/python2.7/bin/python test.py Please input your password:123your password is 123[root@master test]# cat test.py #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-#for python 2.x#input = raw_input("Please input your password:")#print "your password is %s" %input
for python 3.x
[root@master test]# /usr/local/python3.4/bin/python3 test.py Please input your password:123your password is 123[root@master test]# cat test.py #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-#for python 3.xinput = input("Please input your password:")print ("your password is %s" %input)
二、getpass.getpass():for python 2.x
[root@master test]# /usr/local/python2.7/bin/python test.py Please input your password:your password is 123[root@master test]# cat test.py #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import getpass#for python 2.xinput = getpass.getpass("Please input your password:")print "your password is %s" %input
for python 3.x
[root@master test]# /usr/local/python3.4/bin/python3 test.py Please input your password:your password is 123[root@master test]# cat test.py #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import getpass#for python 3.xinput = getpass.getpass("Please input your password:")print ("your password is %s" %input)
三、termios:for python 2.x
[root@master test]# /usr/local/python2.7/bin/python test.py Enter your password:***your password is 123[root@master test]# cat test.py #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import sys, tty, termios #for python 2.xdef getch(): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch def getpass(maskchar = "*"): password = "" while True: ch = getch() if ch == "\r" or ch == "\n": print return password elif ch == "\b" or ord(ch) == 127: if len(password) > 0: sys.stdout.write("\b \b") password = password[:-1] else: if maskchar != None: sys.stdout.write(maskchar) password += ch if __name__ == "__main__": print "Enter your password:", password = getpass("*") print "your password is %s" %password
for python 3.x
[root@master test]# /usr/local/python3.4/bin/python3 test.py Enter your password:***your password is 123[root@master test]# cat test.py #!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import sys, tty, termios #for python 3.xdef getch(): fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch def getpass(maskchar = "*"): password = "" while True: ch = getch() if ch == "\r" or ch == "\n": print return password elif ch == "\b" or ord(ch) == 127: if len(password) > 0: sys.stdout.write("\b \b") password = password[:-1] else: if maskchar != None: sys.stdout.write(maskchar) password += ch if __name__ == "__main__": print ("Enter your password:",) password = getpass("*") print ("your password is %s" %password)
F:\Python\Alex\s12\zhulh>python test.pyPlease input your password:***your password is:123#!/usr/bin/python# -*- coding=utf-8 -*-import msvcrt,sysdef pwd_input(): chars = [] while True: try: newChar = msvcrt.getch().decode(encoding="utf-8") except: return input("你很可能不是在cmd命令行下运行,密码输入将不能隐藏:") if newChar in '\r\n': # 如果是换行,则输入结束 break elif newChar == '\b': # 如果是退格,则删除密码末尾一位并且删除一个星号 if chars: del chars[-1] msvcrt.putch('\b'.encode(encoding='utf-8')) # 光标回退一格 msvcrt.putch( ' '.encode(encoding='utf-8')) # 输出一个空格覆盖原来的星号 msvcrt.putch('\b'.encode(encoding='utf-8')) # 光标回退一格准备接受新的输入 else: chars.append(newChar) msvcrt.putch('*'.encode(encoding='utf-8')) # 显示为星号 return (''.join(chars) ) print("Please input your password:")pwd = pwd_input() print("\nyour password is:{0}".format(pwd))sys.exit()
[root@master test]# sh ./passwd.sh Please input your passwd: ***Your password is: 123[root@master test]# cat passwd.sh #!/bin/shgetchar() { stty cbreak -echo dd if=/dev/tty bs=1 count=1 2> /dev/null stty -cbreak echo}printf "Please input your passwd: "while : ; do ret=`getchar` if [ x$ret = x ]; then echo break fi str="$str$ret" printf "*"doneecho "Your password is: $str"
class _Getch: """Gets a single character from standard input. Does not echo to the screen.""" def __init__(self): try: self.impl = _GetchWindows() except ImportError: try: self.impl = _GetchMacCarbon() except AttributeError: self.impl = _GetchUnix() def __call__(self): return self.impl() class _GetchUnix: def __init__(self): import tty, sys, termios # import termios now or else you'll get the Unix version on the Mac def __call__(self): import sys, tty, termios fd = sys.stdin.fileno() old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd) try: tty.setraw(sys.stdin.fileno()) ch = sys.stdin.read(1) finally: termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings) return ch class _GetchWindows: def __init__(self): import msvcrt def __call__(self): import msvcrt return msvcrt.getch() class _GetchMacCarbon: """ A function which returns the current ASCII key that is down; if no ASCII key is down, the null string is returned. The page http://www.mactech.com/macintosh-c/chap02-1.html was very helpful in figuring out how to do this. """ def __init__(self): import Carbon Carbon.Evt #see if it has this (in Unix, it doesn't) def __call__(self): import Carbon if Carbon.Evt.EventAvail(0x0008)[0]==0: # 0x0008 is the keyDownMask return '' else: # # The event contains the following info: # (what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1] # # The message (msg) contains the ASCII char which is # extracted with the 0x000000FF charCodeMask; this # number is converted to an ASCII character with chr() and # returned # (what,msg,when,where,mod)=Carbon.Evt.GetNextEvent(0x0008)[1] return chr(msg & 0x000000FF) if __name__ == '__main__': # a little test print 'Press a key' inkey = _Getch() import sys for i in xrange(sys.maxint): k=inkey() if k<>'':break print 'you pressed ',k